IM Brazil: The Jurere Beach Hotel Scorecard

The score is:
+ Phones don’t work.
+ Elevator to my section was under repair, needed to use the service elevator to get upstairs.
+ Doesn’t sell stamps.
+ No bar or cafe at all.
+ Can’t figure out the freakin’ heater. Is it even on? BRRRR…
+ Elevator to my section finally got fixed.
+ It’s pretty swank compared to the other more older hotels.
+ Rooms are pretty updated and very comfortable.
+ Unbelievably, there is WIFI through the whole hotel.
They can keep the WIFI network up but the phone system and elevator are busted. What gives? Oh wait…it’s BRAZIL. I forgot.
After this journey, I have come to realize that only parts of the US are truly in the 21st century (and many parts are definitely NOT), while the rest of the world is somewhere else…