IM CDA: Recovery +11 Days

It’s been 11 days after IM CDA. Recovery seems to be coming along.

+7 days: Biked for the first time on computrainer, fast one leg spinning. Spinning fast was tough at first and then loosened up. Definitely a bit more effort required than normal to maintain speed.

+8 days: First swim, only 1000 yards. Swam easy and didn’t feel like it stressed my system.

+9 days: Biked neural activation workout at highest maitainable watts which was close to my 100% workout watts, so handling high watts still too hard.

+10 days: Swam 1500. Lots of short drills, some higher stroke rate. System felt good.

+11 days: Biked first in introductory interval series at normal watts. Legs a bit tight but not overly so.

Will start running perhaps tomorrow, definitely next week.

Tracking recovery to a little over 1.5 weeks which is not bad.