IM FL 2008: Got That Gaunt Look Again

About 5 weeks ago, I went to a dinner party with friends. One of my friends whom I haven’t seen in a while looked at me and remarked that I looked like I was sick or something.
There’s that gaunt look again. Every race, about a month before, my skin starts pulling tight against my frame. My fat starts to fly off, although I don’t see much change in my weight until about a few days right before the race. Then it drops precipitiously. It happens every time. It’s a natural bodily reaction to peaking for an Iron distance race. Get all that decelerating fat off me; get slim and ready to move fast and for a long distance too.
Man, that gaunt look makes me look like I have some serious illness. But it’s just a normal thing. No big deal. Will get back to Fat Dave after the race. Haha.