At Ironman Florida, Gatorade was the sponsor. During the bike, they handed out those Gatorade bottles that resemble water bottles. They have this twist close top which you can suck fluid from. However, annoyingly, they have a smaller diameter than traditional re-fillable water bottles and normal water bottle cages don’t hold them securely. Upon a light bounce of the bike, they go flying much much sooner than normal water bottles. This annoyed me to no end as bounces are accentuated by the XLab Flatwing where my cages were attached to, behind my seat. The only place I’ve found that holds Gatorade bottles is in the cage attached to my seat tube, where I usually keep one in case of hot races where I want to grab a 3rd water bottle and keep it in reserve between aid stations.
However, I did see one guy who had some cages that seemed to hold Gatorade bottles tight. The unfortunate thing was that I totally forgot the brand of the cages I saw!
I finally searched around for cages that might hold Gatorade bottles. Normal ones just don’t cut it. You can bend metal ones to hold them, but then inserting regular water bottles re-bend them back to not holding Gatorade bottles.
Remember: I start with my own water bottles filled with my own formula/fluid. During the race, I pick up extra Gatorade bottles to supplement fluid when needed. So the cages need to accept both regular water bottle diameters and the lesser Gatorade bottle diameter.
I went and bought a Gatorade water bottle and brought it to my favorite bike shop, Cupertino Bike Shop, to try out a few cages. I think I found the right cage: The Specialized Rib Cage Pro Road.
It grips nicely onto the gnurling around the Gatorade bottle, and also somehow can expand to hold both normal water bottles and Gatorade bottles.
While no cage will entirely hold bottles securely on a big bounce, these should hold them in more conditions than regular cages. With many races having Gatorade as a sponsor, I am glad to have found these cages so that I can feel good about putting them on my XLab Flatwing cages instead of only in my seat tube cage.
If only Gatorade would make their bottles the same diameter as normal water bottles…
Specialized Rib Cage Pro Road: Water Bottle Cage to Hold Gatorade Bottles
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