IM CDA: Making T-shirts, Dropping Off Our Bike and Bags, Mooses (Meese?)

This morning the crew got up and made some t-shirts to cheer us racers on:

Then we took our bikes and bags over to transition and left them there for the race tomorrow:

We then walked back to our car and saw some mooses (meese? what’s the plural of moose?) – apparently there is some kind of fascination with mooses here in Idaho. Somebody had a big sculpture of one on their porch. We also ducked into the Museum of North Idaho but only dropped into the gift shop where I bought a stuffed moose and a postcard that had the biggest darned potato I’ve ever seen. The museum was all about logging and forestry and what little we did see of the museum beyond the gift shop was a showcase of chain saws:

The last picture is of the finish line, still under construction and to be filled with screaming Ironman fans tomorrow…