The Pesky Blogosphere

Recently, when you search on David Shen Ventures on Google or Yahoo!, I come up on some other blogs now.
If you know how blogs seem to work these days, there is a lot of rehashing of content to create content. Bloggers follow other sources and then paraphrase, rewrite, or add onto the content by commenting on it. It’s an easy way to generate material for articles, versus coming up with something yourself.
But sometimes, they get it totally wrong. It’s a problem with citizen journalism. Professional journalists have methods of working and standards to uphold (at least most of them anyways). One big characteristic is truth in journalism, and the verification of facts before publishing something so as to maintain/increase reader trust, which is a good way to get readers to come back and read your stuff.
Today’s new citizen journalists often don’t have these standards. Nobody taught them how to be like professional journalists. They just started writing and sometimes are unaware of things like holding high ethics and standards. They have different motivations like creating content which generates traffic which generates revenue through ads and affiliate programs.
So now I’ve been mentioned by some citizen bloggers, who I am sure are just trying to create content by following activity on my companies page. Unfortunately, the information is wrong. They say I have invested in a bunch of companies but it is not true. Even though a company is mentioned on my companies page, it does not mean I have invested in it. My model is to be advisor to every company listed, but I could be advising without investing.
None of them have taken the time to verify the information. They just made some assumptions and posted them.
Think what would happen if reporters on CNN reported this way. How would you feel about their news? Still trust it?